BiblioBrindisi I sthe new app for the Province of Brindisis library system catalogues. With this app you can: - search for books and other materials using a fast, text based search or a bar-code search. - find out in which libraries holdings documents can be found - find out if the document is available for loan - request or riserve a document for loan and extend the period for a document already loaned - keep and maintain a personal bibliography - suggest a purchase to the library - check your patron status.Furthermore, in this version, you can: - refine the search using facets and classifications: tags, authors, year of publication, type of publication etc.. - check out eBooks for loan, download them and read them without delay - download and read free eBooks without limitations - availability of numerous resources through the INDACO network: eBooks, music, online dictionaries, video, film and digital collections, eBooks for visually impaired users etc… - choose multiple preferred libraries - preferred libraries’ holdings are immediately visible in search results - social network functions and sharing for readers - map of all libraries in the system together with associated informations - personal bibliography is synchronized to all mobile devices through the library portal